Before considering becoming a professional equestrian you must have realistic expectations of the costs related to horse competing. Are you ready to make an informed decision and plan a financial strategy for your professional equestrian career?
If you are considering a professional equestrian career, you have already acquired the knowledge and harnessed the skills, essential to support your choice of career. Abilities such as physical strength & cardiovascular fitness, discipline & perseverance, even self awareness, patience and assertiveness are second nature to most professional riders.
In addition to riding technique and innate talent, it is initially a career based on a dream! And to fulfill your dreams, sometimes you have to be reasonable and make informed decisions. To help you get there, here are a few tips to consider before becoming a professional horse rider.
Some aspiring skilled riders may benefit from a basic to a “full ride scholarship” offered by certain schools or organizations. Otherwise, you might consider the costs of a collegial equine study program. Such academic programs can cost up to $20.000 per year, in tuition.
Deciding to buy a horse is not an easy decision nor is it required to participate in equestrian competing events. In fact, in certain riding disciplines, you are required to compete with a horse that has been assigned to you from a determined pool of horses.
The average cost of a riding horse can be up to 10K, depending on the age & breed. If the horse is professionally trained for competition purposes, expect to pay anywhere between $15.000 to $50.000.
Now that you have bought your very own horse, it’s time to take care of it and ensure its daily well being. Have you got a precise idea on the cost of keeping a horse?
Here are the basics to consider. Food & water, farriery & livery (½ or full board), transportation and equipment necessary to gear up for riding, any medical expenses, and last but not least, training and dressage fees. Add a random category for treats, diet supplement, maintenance or repair costs, and of course, don’t forget membership fees and show entries. Basically, you are looking at paying between $350 to $500, monthly. In plain words, look at paying an amount between a car and a mortgage payment.
Remember how this idea of a professional equine career started with a hopeful dream!! Did you dream of spending your 20’s in a stable, cleaning after a horse every weekend??
That is one sacrifice most avid horse riding athletes make when embarking on this journey. Contrary to common belief that horse riders originate from the elite of the noble and wealthy horse owners, most professional riders struggle to make ends meet. Often found in stables keeping rudimentary jobs and redundant tasks, most riders in the beginning of their career opt to assist and help in any setting to gain experience, trade riding time and training lessons against daily hard work and commitment.
Remaining rational doesn’t mean giving up on your dream to become a professional equestrian. It is making your dreams come true by engaging in a sensible and level headed mission to succeed alongside a lifetime companion and the best friend to a human!