High Returns With Strategic Investment in Sport Horses
Are you looking for investment opportunities that give you significantly higher returns than more traditional investments, such as real estate?
Investment Facts
Looking to expand your investment portfolio? Discover exclusive and profitable opportunities in the world of sporthorses with NorCordia. With our expertise in selection and training, we offer top-tier prospects for both investors and horse enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in the excitement of horse investing for a lifetime with NorCordia.

Investing with NorCordia
Are you looking for investment opportunities that give you significantly higher returns than more traditional investments, such as real estate?
NorCordia Investment Facts
Horse Training
We are training and selling 30-40 horses over 3 years
Expected Profit
Profit over 3 years is approximately 40%
We work with a high degree of discretion
Expected Return
Expected average return of 14% per year
Investor newsletters are issued twice per year
Our investment portfolios run for 3 years
Meet the NorCordia team which takes care of your investment.

Ulrik Clemmensen
CEO - NorCordia and Co-Founder.

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Catherine Haddad Staller
CEO - NorCordia USA and Co-Founder.

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Frank Egsgaard-Fjord
COO, CIO, and Co-Founder.

Brian Hedelund Nielsen
Chairman and Co-Founder.
NorCordia welcomes all inquiries and we aim to get back to you within 24h
Get In Touch Today
NorCordia welcomes all inquiries and we aim to get back to you within 24h
If any questions, call us at +45 40992012